List of Tamil words in Serbian language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Serbian language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai;MD; DPM;
Serbian is the standardized variety of the Serbo-Croatian language mainly used by Serbs. It is the official and national language of Serbia, one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina and co-official in Montenegro and Kosovo. It is a recognized minority language in Croatia, North Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.
Standard Serbian is based on the most widespread dialect of Serbo-Croatian, Shtokavian (more specifically on the dialects of Šumadija-Vojvodina and Eastern Herzegovina), which is also the basis of standard Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin varieties and therefore the Declaration on the Common Language of Croats, Bosniaks, Serbs and Montenegrins was issued in 2017. The other dialect spoken by Serbs is Torlakian in southeastern Serbia, which is transitional to Macedonian and Bulgarian.
Serbian is a standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian, a Slavic language (Indo-European), of the South Slavic subgroup. Other standardized forms of Serbo-Croatian are Bosnian, Croatian, and Montenegrin. "An examination of all the major 'levels' of language shows that BCS is clearly a single language with a single grammatical system." It has lower intelligibility with the Eastern South Slavic languages Bulgarian and Macedonian, than with Slovene (Slovene is part of the Western South Slavic subgroup, but there are still significant differences in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation to the standardized forms of Serbo-Croatian, although it is closer to the Kajkavian and Chakavian dialects of Serbo-Croatian).

Clues to read Serbian Words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
Ref; Serbian – English and English -Serbian pocket Dictionary – Louis Cahen
English – Serbian words- Tamil
1.appetite- apetit- pasiththida
2.but- ali- aanal
*3.but- nu –aana
*4.mother- mama- amma
*5.father- babo – appa
6.father- tata- thathai; thanthai.
*7.grandfather- deda- thaaththa
*8.great grandfather – pra ded- periya thaaththa ;periya- great .
9.ancestor- ded- moothaathai
* beba- paapa
*11.harvest- berba- payir aruppu; letters are read more than once.
*12.dirt- balega- azhukku
13.bull- bik- koa
* beat- biti – poattu adi; adi poadu.
*15.battle - borba- poar
* fight- boritise- poaaradu ; poaaridu
17.side- bok- pakkam
*18.storm- bura-puyar
*19.mad man- budala- piththu pidiththa aal ; paththu- madness ; al- person
20.fool- budala- puththi/ poatham /thuppu illa aal ; thuppu- intelligence- illai- without ; aal- person .
* varos- uoor /village
*22.height /summit- vis- vuichchi – vrh-uvyaram
*24.water- voda- voaatham ; utham .
25.up stream- uz vodu- oaadai- stream ; uz- uchchi/ top .
*26.clay- glina- kali munn; munn- soil ; kali- clay .
*27.dwarf- gedza- kuttai
*28.chieftain- glavar- kizhavar
*29.chief- glava- kizhavan
*30.chief- glavni- kizhavan speak- govoroidu- kooridu answer- odgovoriti- vidai kooridu ;ka= va; va =ka; letters are jumbled. .
33.mountain- gora- kari; karini ; kurinji .
34.fault/ mistake - greska-kuraiyaaka
35.thick- gust- ketti
36.thickness- gustina- kettiyana
37.thick /fat- debeo- thadiththa
38. thick/ fat- debela- thadiththu ulla
*39.drum- dobos- thappu
*40.that- da- athu
*41.this- ta- ethu give- davati- thanthu vidu give- dati- thanthidu
* dar- thara
45.far/distant- daklo- tholaivaaka ; ka= va; va- ka; letters are jumbled.
*46.down below- dola – adiyil; thaazha .
* dom- idam ; madam; letters are in reversed order.
* delo – thozhil
*49.part- deo- aththi ; paaththi .
*50.burning – zarki- erikka/ to burn igrati- kooththaaduthar; letters are jumbled.
52.gruel- kasa- kanji slaughter/ slay - klati- kolluthal ; kaathuthal; letters are jumbled.
*54.cow- krava- karavai
*55.edge- kraj- karai kosa- sikai ; letters are in reversed order.
* lament- kukati- kaththu blame- kuditi- kuththam saattu
*59.globe- kugla- koalakai
60.bath- kupatilo- kuliththidu ; letters are jumbled.
* cook- kuhati- aaakidu
*62.cut- kroj- keeru
63.rock- krs- kar/ stone
64.cold- dna-thanuppu pour- levati- vuoththuthal; letters are jumbled.
66.eye- oko- kann wink- gnem- kannai imaikka ; imaikka- to wink. wink- magnuti- kann imaiththidu ;letters are jumbled
*69.wink- mig- imaikka
70.soft- mek- menmaiyaka
* die- mreti- marainthida ; mariththida .
72.lightening- munja- minna ; minnal .
73.jewel/ ornaments - nakit- nakai nattu
*74.clothes- odelo- thuyil
* shorten- okratiti- kuraiththidu dig- okopati- kudaiya
*77.rice- oriz- arisi
* take care / look after- paziti- paaththidu
* pay a visit- posetiti – paaththidu
80.bargain- pazariti – paeram paesidu ; letters are jumbled.
81.plough [ n] - plug- uzhuka / to plough ; kalappai / plough ;letters are in reversed order.
82.plough [ n] - ralo- yaeru uzha/ to plough produce- ploditi- padaiththal; letters are jumbled.
84.fruitful- plodan- payan adaithal ;letters are jumbled.
* pol- paal
86.sexual- spolni- paal ina break wind- predeti- pirinthida/ to pass
88.professor- profesor- paer aasiriyar- periya great ;aasiriyar- teacher bud- pupiti- pooththida/ bloom
*90.road/ way- put- paathai
91.cut/ incision - rez- aru cut- rezati- aruththidu
93.hole- rupa- poarai ; letters are in reversed order.
94.arm/ hand- ruka- maerkkai- arm; kai- hand; maerkkai- upper arm; karam; letters are in reversed order. shake hands- rukovati- karam kodu ; kai koduththar ; letters are jumbled ;karam- hand; kai- hand- kodu- to give.. create- sazdati- seithidu/ make plant- saditi- sedi nadu- sedi- plant- nadu- to plant .
98.small/ tiny- sitan- sinnathu; letters are jumbled.
*99.ferry boat- skela- kalam/ boat
* jump- skakati- kuthi
*101.soon/ shortly- skoro / skorim – seekkiramae
102.sweet- dka- thiththikka
* sleep- apati- padu
104.angry- srdit- seeridu / furious put- atati- idu
106.step on- stati- mithiththidu
107.banner- steg- pathaakai walk- stupati- adi poadu walk- hoditi- adi edu / take step; adi- foot; edu- take.
110.fresh- taze-puthiyathu
111.messenger- tatarin- thoothar
112.weight- teg- edai iduka /to weigh; edai- weight
*113.body- telo- udal
* drive/ horse - voditi -voattu weave- tkati- neithiduka; letters are jumbled.
*116.grief- tuga- thukkam ; kaetham; letters are in reversed order . pound- tucati- idiththidu
118.corner- ugao- mukku
* blow- udar – uoothuthar/ horn ;adiththar /wind .
*120.hit- udar- adiththar; idiththar ; moathuthar bury- ukopati- puthaikka ; letters are jumbled. able/ can- umeti- mudiyim
*123.hour- ura – oaarai ; naeram put in order/ arrange- urediti- seer seithidu
* praise- hvaliti- vaazhththu
* shoot- hitati- yaeithidu cokule- kaal ani; kaal- leg; ani- wear.
*128.brick- cigla- senkkal await- cekati- kaaththidu keep- cuvati- vaiththidu
131.limp- santati- nondi adi skola- kalvi saalai ;letters are jumbled; kalvi- education.
*133.damage- steta- saetham
* damage- stetiti- saetham adaiya ;saetham- damage ;adaiya- to have.
135.heel- stikla- kuthi kaal; letters are jumbled.
136.saving- stedlijiv- saeththu vaiththal ; letters are jumbled.
137.sword- spada- patta
*138.acquire- kupiti – kai paththu
139.injury- skoda- kayam adaiya; kaayam; wound; adaiya -to have. sew- siti- thei
141.abide- ostati- oththu nada; saeththidu
*142.abbreviate- skratiti- kurukkidu ; surukkidu; letters are jumbled. be alive- ziveti- vasiththidu ; letters are jumbled; zeeviththidu . be alive- ziv ; vasi; letters are in reversed order ; zeevi .
145.alike- istotako- oththathaaka
146.alone- jedino- thaniya
147.ankle- klin- kanukkaal ; letters are jumbled.
148.assure- ut vrditi- uruththi thaa ; letters are jumbled.
*149.attack- udar- adiththar / beat
150.attach- vezati- onna saeththidu
*151.crop- berba- payir
152.cultivate- obrad jivati - payir ida vaendum
153.cultivate- uraditi payir idu
*154.cut- krojiti- keeridu
155.cut- kroj- keeru
156.criticize- kritikovati- kurai thanai koori vidu ; kurai- mistake ; kooru- say
*157.crowd- gomila- kumpal
158.conquer- zauzeti- jeyeiththidu ; saaiththidu .
159.confinement /women’s - porodjai- paeru adaiya/ pregnant
160.confirm- potvrditi- uruthi paduththu ; letters are jumbled.
161.condemn- kazniti- kanndiththidu uporediti- oppu ittu paarththidu; letters are read more than once; oppu iduthar; letters are jumbled.
163.collect- sabrati- saerththidu man- crn- kariyan; karu- black.
165.climate- klima- kaala nilamai;kaalam- time /season /weather; nilamai - status.
*166.cloth- svita- udai
*167.cloth [ v]- odevati- udai uduththu ; aadai uduththu ;aadai- dress ; udai- dress; uduththu- to wear.
168.cleanliness- cistiti- suththam
169.choke- udaviti- adaiththida
* terati- thurathhu ;thuraththi adi .
171.castrate- uskopiti- kaai adi
172.catch- oteti- pidiththidu
*173.catch- zgrabiti- kayir pidi lkai- hand; pidi-catch. padez- petti /box
*175.cart- kola- kalli
*176.capture- zarobiti- sirai pidi / imprison; sirai- prison.
177.brow- obrva-puruvam
178.bud- pupak- pookka/ to bloom graditi- kattuthar; letters are jumbled.
*180.burning- vreo-eriya
181.bundle- paket- kattu
182.brew- kuvati- kaaichchidu
*183.boil- kuvati- kothiththida ; katti- a boil .
184.bouquet- kita- poon-k-koththu ;poo- flower; koththu- bunch ; bouquet [E] – poonkoththu . give birth- poroditi paeru pettrida ; letters are jumbled. crn- kariya niram ; karu- black; niram- colour .
*187.betrothal- veridba- uruthi pannu /to confirm
188.betrothed- veriti se - uruthi seithathu / confirmed
* bark- oguliti- kulaiththidu
190.basket- kota rica- kura-k-kodai / a kind of basket; letters are jumbled.
*191.excuse- pravdati- poruththidu
192.drip- kapati- kotta
*193.extract- vaditi- vadiththidu
194.farther – dalji- ettaththil
195.field- polje-pulam
196.flowing- tekuc - oaduka
197.forgive- oprostiti- poruththidu
*198.fry- prziti- poriththidu
199.glisten- blistati- pala palaththidu
200.gradually- malo po malo- mella mella
*201.grow- porasti- perusaayidu gomila- kulam; letters are jumbled.
*203.harm- skoditi- kaedu
204.herb- bilje- pachchilai ; letters are jumbled.
205.herdsman- pastir- idaiyar ovde- ivvidam ; ivvidae – Malayalam .
*207.hook- kuka- kokki
208.hut- koliba – kuchchil; kulam /house.
209.hut- baraka- purai akam ; purai- hut; akam- house.
210.immediate- dna- udanadi
211.join [ v]- stici- saeththidu
*212.join [ v] - sasta viti- saeththu vidu
213.itch [ v]- svrbeti- arippu eduththida ;sorinthida .
214.itching- svrab- arippu ; sori .
215.knee- kolno-kaal kanu; kaal- leg; kanu- joint.
216.knock- tuci- idi; thattu.
217.knob- kita- konndai be killed- ginuti- konnudu
*219.kick- udar- uthaiththar
220.lake- jezero- yaeri
221.lamentation- jauk- soakam /grief
*222.ilft [ v] – dignem- thookanum ziveti- vasiththidu ; letters are jumbled; zeeviththidu ;
* long- velo- vaazha /to live
* [ v]- voleti- vizhaithal
226.lump- komad- katti
*227.marble / boy’s- kugla- goali ; koali .
228.much- tako- mikuthi ; letters are in reversed order; athikam;
228.mourn- zaliti- azhuthidu /to wail
*229.odd- dna- thaniyaa
230.ox- govedo- kottiyam
231.pineapple- ananas- annaasi
* plough- orati – yaeru oaattu plough- pluziti- uzhuthidu citati- oaathidu ; padiththidu .
*235.rarely- retko- arithaaka
236.request- iskati- kaettidu
237.romance- roman- eeram / love
*238.roof- krov- koorai
239.rough- surov- sora sora vena
*240.rotten- ila- azhiya
241.satiate- sititi-thaninthida
* money- stediti- saeththidu
243.savings- usteda-saeththathu ;saemiththathu .
245.scream- vikati- veechch nnu kaththu
246.shock- udar- athirchchi
*247.sing- pevati- paadu
248.sing- pojati- padu
249.single- jedini- thaniya [ v]- derati- thaor uriththidu ;thoar- skin; uriththidu- to shear .
*251.sphere- kugla- koalam
252.spoil- skoditi- kaedu adaiya ;kettida .
253.sting- ujedati- theenda
254.stop- ostati- thadu
255.suffer- patiti- paadu padu
256.swelling- otok- thadikka /to swell; pudaikka /to swell.
*257.wander- lutati- alainthidu
258.travelling- putni- payaniththidu ; payanam- travel .
259.thaw- otopiti- aaththidu ; aaththi thaa .